Welcome to the GREENS Hamburg-Mitte We are the GREENS in Hamburg-MITTE! We belong to the national association of the GREENS and take care of party politics in Hamburg-Mitte. The GREEN state association is made up of seven district associations, each representing one of Hamburg’s seven districts. From Finkenwerder to Billstedt, from St. Georg to Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg-Mitte and thus the GREEN district association extend. Here is a list of all the neighborhoods in our district. The District Association The GREENS Hamburg-MITTE district association serves as the primary point of contact for our members. The district association (abbreviated KV in German, meaning Kreisverband) deals with district issues and helps shape local politics. The association serves other important functions in addition to serving as the GREENS‘ party framework. The district association, for example, is in charge of nominating the list for the election of the district assembly and electing delegates to state and national delegates‘ conferences. The district association is also in charge of admitting new party members and collecting membership fees. The district executive committee represents the district association. The committee is made up of members of the party executive (chair and deputy chair), treasurer, and extended district executive committee assessors. The district executive committee usually meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. You can contact the district office at: kreisverband@gruene-mitte.com. The District Parliamentary Group Our main forum for local politics is the district assembly. Once a month, this is where we, the 11 elected members of the GREEN district parliamentary group, meet the political opposition and debate Hamburg-Mitte’s most pressing issues. Agendas range from explosive to bureaucratic, speeches from the podium range from halting to combative to sprawling, and debates are sometimes languid and sometimes heated, as in other political arenas. Citizens are always welcome: current and fundamental concerns can be raised during public question time! You can contact the parliamentary group office at: fraktion@gruene-mitte.com. Topics Our work covers a wide range of topics, from climate protection to social policies to local culture. Of course, we are also very active in our district’s committees. Click here to see who represents us on the various committees. Neighborhood Committees Easy accessible and close by: our neighborhood committees are your first place to go if you have specific local requests or questions, want to improve your local community or to connect with GREEN politics – without prior notice and dress code. What to anticipate? A group of like-minded people from your neighborhood whom you may have never met before. Topics from your neighborhood seen through newer or older eyes. Agenda-driven and ad hoc discussions. And probably one or two curious questions about you. Find our neighborhood committees here. Working Groups Working groups are monthly meetings that focus on a single overarching topic. Without prior notice or a dress code, but with room for your concerns. Working groups are similar to collaboratively curated billboards: you decide which topics will be displayed! Come on in! Find our working groups here. Do you want to join a working group or make a specific request? Please contact us via email. We are very excited to meet you! Write Us! Send us an email in your native language if you have a request. We will try to find a solution to assist you in resolving your request in your native language.